Liliya Kuriy was one of our Spring 2019 Professional Fellows from Ukraine. Her Fellowship was hosted by Rush Deacon, CEO of Arkansas Capital Corporation (pictured, left), who assigned her to various offices in town, including Governor Asa Hutchinson’s office. She also was partnered with Amy Hopper, Program Officer of the Delta I-FundTM, Winrock International, and their project was selected by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs for an Outbound Project in Ukraine. We are happy to report that all four YSEALI and Professional Fellows that were placed here in Little Rock this Spring were awarded Outbound Projects. The Little Rock counterparts for these fellows are:
Donald Wood, Executive Director of Just Communities, going to Ukraine
Ms. MiMi San Pedro, Chief Strategy Officer of The Venture Center, going to Viet Nam
Terri Thomas, Impact Manager of City Year, going to Myanmar Thanks to American Councils for granting Global Ties Arkansas the opportunity of hosting an amazing set of fellows this past spring. We already know the fall 2019 fellows that we have been assigned, and they are coming from Cambodia, Georgia (Eastern Europe), the Philippines, and Russia. Contact us to host one or more of these entrepreneurs for a month-long stay in your home, October 18 -November 17 (Contact info provided at bottom of newsletter).