March 7-15, Open World from Vietnam, Parliamentary Staffers, (Staying with host families)
March 16-20, for Little Rock and Bentonville, International Visitor Leadership Program on Binational Tourism, Japan
May 2-31, Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) (Staying with a host family)\
May 23-June 23, Eurasian Professional Fellows Program (Staying with host families)
July 18-25, Open World, Papua New Guinea, Parliament (Staying with host families)
Sept. 26- Oct. 25 YSEALI (Staying with a host family)
September 14- October 14 - YSEALI (Young Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative) | Fellowships taking place September 16-October 11 | Departure October 14 | Staying with a Host family
September 21- October 18 -- YTILI (Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative) Fellowship Program Fall | Three staying in a hotel, Fellowships taking place September 23-October 18, Departure October 21, All Entrepreneurs
U.S. Ukraine October 25-November 2; Recovery through Youth Participation; Staying with home hosts
November 8-16 -- Open World (Congressional Office of International Leadership) Hungarian Parliament in November 2024 | Staying with home stay families
November 13-19 Multi-regional participants International Visitor Leadership Program for 10 participants for Education in the Digital Age.
Programs We Host